Congratulations on reaching the end of the book!
If you've made it this far, I think you have learned a great deal about React, React Router, Jest, ES6 and more. I've been trying to keep a list of everything along the way, and I think this is a fair summary:
and <IndexLink>
and runs()
.You might find you need to re-read some chapters to help refresh your memory, but that's perfectly normal – we've covered a huge amount of ground in just a few hours, so it takes some time to sink in. The end result is that you've written a lot of code, which is good. And it's not just any code: you've written tests for it and ensured it matches strict linting, so this is code you should feel proud of.
If you're looking to expand this project further, you have a huge amount of scope to work with thanks to the GitHub API offering up lots of data. For more information about all the end points it offers, see
I would suggest, however, that from here on you consider taking a test-driven approach. I kept Jest and ESLint until the very end only because it can be confusing to learn multiple technologies at the same time, but if you're smart you'll write tests as you'll go from here forwards. Running a linter regularly will help keep your code consistent, and many web-focused text editors automatically lint your code while you edit.
This is the end of Hacking with React – I hope you feel like you've learned a lot, I hope you're excited to use React in the future, and I hope you have the confidence to make great use of other tools such as React Router and Jest. I really look forward to seeing what you make in the future – please do send me a tweet @twostraws with a link to your React apps!
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Copyright ©2016 Paul Hudson. Follow me: @twostraws.